OEM Service

The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is produced by the trustee according to the requirements and authorization of the original factory and according to specific conditions. All design drawings and the like are manufactured in accordance with the design of the upstream manufacturer. Commonly known as "branding", brand producers do not directly produce products, but use their own "key core technology" to design and develop new products, control sales "channels", and have limited production capacity, even production lines and factories. No, in order to increase production and sales, in order to reduce the risk of the new production line, and even to win the market time, commissioned by other similar products manufacturers through contract ordering, the products ordered are bought at low prices, and directly attached to their own brands. trademark. This kind of cooperation method of entrusting others to produce is the processing of fragrance equipment OEM. The manufacturer who undertakes this processing task is called the fragrance equipment OEM processing manufacturer, and the products produced by it are OEM processed products.

OEM Advantage

1. It is able to produce its own brand or circulation advantage products freely, independently and flexibly. You are the master, according to your wishes, no huge investment, saving the cost of each link.

2. It can effectively reduce the cost of brand promotion and achieve low-cost operation. Now the cost of brand marketing has increased exponentially, and the cost for production has been reduced to a minimum. The emergence of OEM processing just solves the problem of the production of merchant products, so that businesses can spend their least money to produce their own products.

3. Make customers create their own brands into reality. At present, the trend of the fragrance industry with the development of the company's own brand is emerging throughout the country. The merchants are able to have their own products through the OEM and processing methods, without the need to build a factory, which is almost impossible before the OEM processing of fragrance equipment.

4. Enable customers to go all out to concentrate on promoting the brand. Most merchants are good at selling but lack the technology to produce and process. OEM processing methods, for the business to carry out cumbersome production problems, so that businesses can foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, focus on promoting brands, and achieve twice the result with half the effort.


ODM Service

ODM is the abbreviation of Original design manufacturer. It is a manufacturer that designs and manufactures products according to the specifications and requirements of another manufacturer. The entrusted party has design capabilities and technical level and produces products based on an authorized contract. OEM, the abbreviation of Original Entrusted Manufacture, refers to the production of products that are specifically accepted by other companies for the production of the brand, and never create their own brand. After a manufacturer designs a product, in some cases it may be seen by other brands' manufacturers, requiring the latter's brand name to be used for production, or slightly modifying some designs (such as button position). To produce. The benefit of this is that other vendors have reduced their time of development. The manufacturer that undertakes the design and manufacturing business is called the ODM manufacturer, and the products it produces are ODM-processed products.


ODM Advantage

The brand owner does not buy out the design of a certain type of ODM manufacturer. ODM manufacturers can sell the same model products to other brands at the same time without buying them. When two or more brands share a design, the difference between the two branded products is mainly in appearance.